Each K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch League Season consists of 5 weeks of Toss & Fetch competition between multiple disc dog Clubs from anywhere in the world in a fun, friendly and competitive league environment.
Each Club determines their own day, time and local field location for each five-week League Season.
On each Club’s weekly League day and field, all Club Teams (a Handler & a dog) play two (2) rounds of K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch to establish a Weekly Score for each Team. Scoring is cumulative throughout the five weeks and teams will be ranked in Weekly Standings based on their cumulative weekly scores.
Handlers can play with multiple dogs to form multiple Teams (handler & dog), but only ONE (1) Team per handler will score and count towards League Points -- the Team with the highest final point total for any Handler. All teams will be scored and tracked in the Standings.
To level the playing field so that all skill levels are competitive and have a chance to score Club Points, we award Handicap Points for each week played based on the Handler’s skill, ability and experience as follows:
Junior Handlers: +10 points per week played
Handlers: +10 points per week played
Master Handlers: +5 points per week played
Expert Handlers: none
Mulligan Rule: At the end of each five-week League Season, the lowest weekly score (plus any handicap points for that week) will be dropped to establish each Team’s Final Score & Final Standing.
The Final Team Standings will determine Final League Points earned for each Club. Teams that Rank in the top 40% of the Final Standings (based on the number of unique handlers) earn League Points for their Club.
For instance, if a League Season has 800 Handlers competing;
1st = 320 points; 2nd = 319 points; 3rd = 318 points; . . . 320th = 1 pt.
Tied Teams share points for all placements that tied.
Clubs will be ranked based on the number of points their teams accrue with the highest scoring Club declared that League Season Champion.
Club Tie Breakers: The Club with the highest placing Team between them wins any tiebreaker. Any ties keep rolling down till broken.
This is a sample, partial scoresheet and rankings after all five weeks are played. All Teams from across the League are ranked 1st to last based on their Total League Score which equals (Week 1 + Week 2 + Week 3 + Week 4 + Week 5 + Handicap - Lowest Week). Teams in the top 40% earn Club Points based on their ranking.
Toss & Fetch League is open to disc dog clubs, organizations or any groups of 8 or more dog-loving friends, anywhere, who can get together on the same day each week to play two rounds of K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch. To become part of the League, the following conditions must be met, along with a vetting by the League.
A minimum of 8 people (Handlers) of any skill level.
A field to play on once a week for 5 weeks.
The League Fee for competitors playing in the United States of America to cover the administrative and insurance costs for an entire five week Season is $15.00 US for the first dog (Team) and $10 for any additional dogs (additional Teams). There is no limit to the number of Teams a Handler can enter.
The League Fee for Competitors outside the USA is $10 US per Team (handler & dog). There is no insurance surcharge for competitors outside the USA.
There is no limit to the number of Teams a Handler can enter. Handlers pay fees to their Club Captains who make their payments by the 3rd Week of each Season.
That's it.
As a way to allow smaller groups of less than 8 to enjoy the fun and excitement of K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch League, and to hopefully grow into a full-fledged Club one day, come out and play as a “Squad”.
To form a Squad, you must have at least four people (4 unique individual humans) on your roster when a season begins. As always, each person (handler) can play with multiple dogs and dogs can be shared amongst multiple handlers to form multiple Teams, but it’s the number of individual people that you count to form a Squad or, if you get to 8 or more people, a Club.
“Squads” participate in a different class with the following conditions:
· Squad member Teams (human and dog) WILL be ranked in the Overall Standings each week along with all the other Teams in the League.
· Squad members, however, will NOT be eligible to score League Points – these will only be awarded to Club member teams
· Squad members will each receive a commemorative, embroidered “Canis Felix” patch and will NOT be eligible for the “Canis Magnus” patch, which is only awarded to teams who score League Points.
Squads will play under the League Rules including the requirement that at least 4 handlers are present during League play or that week will be forfeited.
Week 3 Squad/Club Conversion Rule
Squad to Club: If, in the course of any Season, a Squad grows to 8 or more people by the 3rd Week, that Squad will be promoted to a Club retroactively to the beginning of the season, ranked amongst other Clubs, and Handlers with a Team that finishes in the top 40% of all Teams will be eligible for the “Canis Magnus” patch.
Each Club will have a Captain whose responsibilities include:
Promoting, Organizing, Recruiting, Registering, Field Logistics, Judging, Coaching, Submitting Scores, Cheer Leading and Administering the League for their local Club.
Captains may appoint Co-Captains, for whom they vouch, to help in any way.
A Captain or Co-Captain must be present during League night play. At least 4 Handlers must be present before play can commence each night.
Captains need to submit their weekly scores ASAP, ideally within 24 hours, so they can be entered as the week progresses. A spreadsheet will be provided. A website is coming soon.
Clubs are comprised of multiple Teams who are ranked agains all the other Teams in all the other Clubs in each League Season. The top 40% of all Teams earn points for their Club.
A "Team" is a Handler and a Dog.
Handlers may compete with multiple dogs to form multiple Teams.
Handlers can play for only 1 Club/Squad in any League Season.
Only one dog per Handler can score League Points. When a Handlers plays with more than one dog, the dog with the highest score at the end of the season will be eligible for League Points. All dogs (Teams) will still be ranked.
Before each League Season begins, Handlers will be assigned to a Division level. Anyone brand new to League playing in their first season may play in the Handler Division.
Handlers will register and compete in one of the four Divisions based on their best dog's ability, for the length of each 5-Week League.
Junior Handler: Anyone 13-years or under before the League Season begins.
Handler: Any novice or beginning Handler. Handlers who, with their top dog, typically scores less than 20 points in two rounds of play each week.
Master Handler: Handlers who, with their top dog, scores less than 32 points in two round of play each week. Handlers who cannot/no longer complete catches past 40 yards.
Expert Handler: Any Handler who, with their top dog, is capable of scoring 32 points or more in two rounds of play.
After every season, Division promotions may be earned by a handler/person based on their Team's performance per the following:
In 60:/All format Seasons:
- Master Promotion for Teams that score 21-or-more raw weekly points twice in a season.
- Expert Promotion for Teams that score 32-or more raw weekly points twice in a season
In 90:/5 format Seasons:
- Master Promotion for Teams that score 25-or-more raw weekly points twice in a season.
- Expert Promotion for Teams that score 36-or more raw weekly points twice in a season
In League, while Division achievement is earned by a Team (human & dog) based on the Division Promotion Criteria, it always follows the person, the human, the K9 Frisbiest™ (the person throwing and training the Frisbee beast).
Hitting the Division Promotion point-scoring thresholds twice in a season (in the graphic) has proven to be a good indicator for Division Promotions and yields a fair 10% Expert, 30% Master, and 70% Handler distribution.
Those thresholds, however, should not be considered the lowest level to be competitive in a Division. A Master may never again hit 21 twice in a 60-second season but could still average just over 15 points per week, finish in the top 40%, score Club points and earn the Canis Magnus patch. If they’re doing that, they’re still a Master.
A couple seasons of bad weather, bad luck, an injury, or a bad dog doesn’t warrant a demotion.
An Expert whose old dog retires and is now only playing a puppy – is an Expert playing a puppy! A Master with a broken leg is a Master throwing from crutches.
Fair play means playing in the Division you’ve proved you’ve earned in every season AND in the upcoming Worldwide Championship.
To level the playing field so that all skill levels are competitive and have the chance to score Team Points, we award Handicap Points for Intermediate and Novice players:
Junior Handler: +10 points per week played
Handler: +10 points per week played
Master Handler: +5 points per week played
Expert Handler: none
NOTE: If a Team misses a Week, they are not awarded handicaps points for that week.
LEAGUE PLAY DATES – Saturday through Thursday
League Weeks begin on the Saturday of each Week and end on Thursday so that all scores can be submitted no later than Friday, before the next Week begins. Clubs can schedule their League play any day/evening except Friday so that weekly scores can be entered, tallied and published before the end of each week.
NOTE: It is possible to play weekly rounds on Friday's but requires permission in advance from the League. Friday play would begin the day BEFORE a season begins, which is always on a Saturday.
All a Club’s Teams must play together once a week, and ONLY once a week in each of the five league weeks on the same scheduled day, at the same scheduled field.
Captains must schedule their League play days, time and field before each season begins and adhere to that schedule.
- Pre-season scheduling an alternate day and/or field during a season to avoid a holiday, or a pre-planned event for example, is allowed.
Clubs may pre-schedule multiple League weekly play days but they must be at the same field, for instance a Saturday and a Wednesday, however at least 4 actively playing Club members and a Club Captain or designated Co-Captain must be present at each League play day.
- If a Club elects to play on different fields, they must register as separate Clubs – one for each field.
Playing in all types of weather is part of the game. Clubs may only re-schedule a League play day within the same week if inclement weather makes the regularly scheduled time unsafe to play or impractical to travel.
Rescheduling is only allowed with permission from the League Admin.
- In the event of un-playable, dangerous weather, a rain make-up night can be scheduled but it must be completed no later than Thursday of each week.
- Make-Up Weeks for Clubs or individual Team Rounds are not allowed. If a Club or team fails to play in any given Week, they will not be scored for that week.
- To keep an eye on each other and ensure at least 2 sideline judges are available per round, at least 4 Competing Handlers must be present on each League play day.
- If less than 4 Handlers are present on a scheduled, playable League day, that Club’s week will be forfeited.
The object of K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch is to complete as many catches as possible, in bounds and within the Scoring Zones in the time allotted.
Each Team plays two Toss & Fetch rounds per week.
- Regular 60-Second Season: In a "regular" season, Teams play two (2) sixty-second (:60) rounds per week and all catches are scored.
- 90:/5 Season: In a 90:/5 Season, Teams play two (2) ninety-second (:90) rounds per week but only the highest 5 catches per round are scored.
Teams can select either end of the field from which to play each round. However, once a round begins, all throws must be made from the same end of the field.
Teams may opt to take only one (1) practice throw with their dog before they begin each round. A Team can switch to a different end of the field after a practice throw, but they don’t get another practice throw from the new end.
Any recognized dog-safe disc is allowed, including floppies. Ring discs are not allowed. If in doubt, check with your Club Captain.
Lure discs are allowed, however only only one disc, the same disc, can be in play in a given round. If you're playing with a lure disc, try and make sure it's a different color then the disc in play.
Before a round begins, handlers may hand the Line Judge a back-up disc in the event a disc in play becomes unplayable. Handlers must hand the unplayable disc to the Line Judge to switch discs.
Both Handler & Dog must be completely behind the starting line before time begins.
When a Team signals it is ready to begin, the Line Judge will announce, “Ready, Set, GO.” Time begins on “GO” at which point the dog and disc can cross the starting line. During each Round, the Line Judge will indicate the time remaining by announcing “30 Seconds, 10 Seconds, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, TIME.”
Handlers may cross the starting line after and between each throw, to retrieve a disc, encourage their dog, etc., but they must return to make all throws from behind the starting line.
After time begins, dogs can be anywhere on the field and are no longer required to be behind the starting line.
We follow “the Line is Your Friend” rules whereby Teams score Points for each successful catch based on where the dog’s trailing paw lands for each catch.
A trailing paw on a Zone line earns the higher Zone.
At least one paw must land in bounds or on a sideline, otherwise a catch will be out-of-bounds and scored zero.
Points for each successful catch are awarded as follows:
Zone 1 (10 – 20 yards): 1 Point
Zone 2 (20 – 30 yards): 2 Points
Zone 3 (30 – 40 yards): 3 Points
Zone 4 (40 – 50 yards): 5 Points
Any catches where all paws are past the 50 yard line will be scored out-of-bounds.
Air Bonus: An additional ½ Point Air Bonus is awarded for each leaping, jumping catch, determined by all four paws off the ground at the time, and then landing in a scoring Zone.
If a throw is released before the “T” in “time” is announced, a successful catch will be scored.
Close calls go to the Team.
Junior Scoring (for all Handlers 13-years or younger):
In an effort to reward success and encourage the little ones, in addition to the standard scoring zones (1, 2, 3 & 5), a catch in the 0 to 10 yard zone or anywhere out-of-bounds, will be awarded 1 Point, provided the throw was a good faith attempt to throw at least 10 yards. The “attempt” clause is added to avoid purposeful, short little tosses to rack up points.
Note: Short and out-of-bounds catches for Juniors do not qualify for an additional ½ point “air bonus.”
ROLLER Designation, Scoring & Rules
Teams that throw “rollers” (i.e, rolling the disc across the grass) will be, scored, ranked and be eligible to earn Club Points, however, Roller Teams do not receive Division Handicap Points.
A Roller Team must declare at the beginning of a Season. A Team cannot switch to a Roller Team mid-season.
A Team that opts to play under the ROLLER designation must do so for an entire season.
Handlers who play with multiple dogs may designate one or all of their dogs as ROLLER Teams. Non-roller Teams will earn the appropriate handicap points for their Division.
A Tiny Dog (TD) Roller Team earns one TD Bonus point per catch, but cannot exceed 27.5 points in any single round.
All other Toss & Fetch rules apply for ROLLER Teams, accept for the ability to earn ½-point “air” bonuses.
In judging rollers, please follow these guidelines:
- A roller is “live” and can be caught by the dog as long as the disc is rolling, in motion, when caught by the dog.
- The disc is considered “dead” when the disc stops moving.
- Regular Zone scoring applies, based on the dog's trailing paw when the roller is caught. At least one paw must be in-bounds to count, even if the disc has rolled out-of-bounds.
- Judges will make the determination as to when a roller is “live” or “dead”. A roller too close to be called will be ruled in favor of the dog. Judges decisions are final.
Any dog measuring 40 centimeters (15.75 inches) at the withers or LESS will qualify as a Tiny Dog (TD) in K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch.
The “Withers” is the spot at the base of the neck where the shoulder blades meet on a dog.
To measure height, start at the top of the withers and run the tape down to the ground. The tape should be parallel to the front leg and perpendicular to the ground to get an accurate measurement.
To qualify, a Club Captain must measure a Tiny Dog each season and post the height, in centimeters, to their Club’s Roster in the Google Score Sheet.
In addition to any regular weekly Division Handicap a Team is entitled, a Tiny Dog will receive one (1) TD Bonus Point for every catch scored in a round. Consequently, the scoring zones for Tiny Dogs will be:
0 to 10 yards: 0 points (1 point for Juniors)
10 to 20 yards: 2 points
20 to 30 yards: 3 points
30 to 40 yards: 4 points
40 to 50 yards: 6 points
“Air Catches” with all four paws off the ground, will earn an additional ½ point.
Have fun with your dog.