How To Determine “Division” Rating in K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch League
Whether you're brand new to dog frisbee, an experienced world champion competitor, or somewhere in between, in K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch League each individual Team (handler & dog) competes in the same Overall Team Rankings. Based on a Team's final, cumulative score over each five-week Season, the top 40% are awarded Club Points to help determine their Club’s final worldwide ranking.
In K9FT&F League, we've developed a handicap system to help everyone have a chance at that top 40% regardless of their experience or ability.
- Junior Teams:+10 handicap points per week played
- Children 13-years-old or younger when the League Season begins.
- Handler Teams: +10 handicap points per week played
- Handlers who, with their top dog, typically scores less than 21 points in two rounds of play each week.
- Any novice or beginning Handler.
- Master Teams: +5 handicap points per week played
- Handlers who, with their top dog, scores less than 32 points in two rounds of play each week. Also, Handlers who cannot/no longer complete catches past 40 yards.
- Expert Teams: No handicap points
- Any Handler who, with their top dog, is capable of scoring 32 points or more in two rounds of play.
Before each League Season begins, people will be assigned a Division based on their ability to score with their best dog. If you run multiple dogs, it's your best dog that determines your Division.
- Anyone who’s played in at least one League Season has weekly scores they can look at to help guide them. If you were promoted in a previous season, make sure your Captain assigns you to the right Division.
- Anyone who is brand new, can play as a Handler and then adjust based on their scores after they’ve got a season under their belt. If you’re still unsure, you’re Club Captain will help guide you.
A Handler plays an entire season in the initial Division they’re assigned. If they excel and eran a promotion, it takes effect in the next season they play.
Master Promotion: If a team scores 21 raw weekly points (without handicap added) twice (2x) in a season, the handler is promoted to Master in the next season they play.
Expert Promotion: If a team scores 32 raw weekly points twice in a season, the handler earns a promotion to Expert in the next season they play.
Handlers are always encouraged to move up as they or their top dog improve. Handlers may also move down in Division level when appropriate. Handlers, Clubs and Captains are responsible for self-policing so as not to purposely achieve advantage.
If you’re unsure, you’re Club Captain will help guide you.