Mark Vitullo: Founder and Administrator of the K9 Frisbee Worldwide League

MEDIA BACKGROUNDER Mark Vitullo: Founder and Administrator of the K9 Frisbee Worldwide League Mark Vitullo and his 2012 World Champion Lulu, the German Shepherd dog who started Mark on his disc dog journey. Mark Vitullo’s dedication to the K9 Frisbee Worldwide League has created a welcoming, supportive community for dog lovers everywhere. His vision has…

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How to Choose the Right K9 Frisbee for Your Dog!

I wonder how many people are turned off from playing K9 Frisbee after they pick up a cheap $1 disc at the local pet store, take it home and find that Fido immediately cracks it or, worse, cuts their mouth on the sharp shards — and then it’s back to the tennis ball.

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K9 Frisbee “Tiny Dog” Category Qualifications & Scoring

K9 Frisbee Tiny Dog Category Beginning in 2021, a “Tiny Dog Category” will be permanently added to the K9 Frisbee Toss & Fetch Worldwide League to help give little dog Teams a leg-up in scoring Club Points. Tiny Dog QUALIFICATION: Any dog measuring 40 centimeters (15.75 inches) at the withers or LESS will qualify as…

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